Moonscape - If Heaven Knows My Name
Band: Moonscape
Single: If Heaven Knows My Name / 2. A Rendezvous in Time? (Alt. Version)
Release date: November 25th 2022
Record label: Self released
Genre: Progressive Metal, epic metal, melodic death metal
From: Gjøvik, Norway

I was happy to receive 2 tracks from Håvard Lunde of Moonscape for a review.
The first track, “If Heaven Knows My Name” is a solid prog metal track with elements most should find appealing.
I’ve always compared Moonscape with Ayreon, and this track is probably the closest to Ayreon I’ve heard by this band so far, even if there’s only one singer. In addition there’s a very cool synth Aaron Minich (Nekrogoblikon) and heavy riffing that makes me think of Symphony X. If that wasn’t enough, there is a melodic lead guitar that reminds me of Opeth in the transition period from melodic death metal to prog.
I like the drums, that I still find hard to believe to be programmed, probably because Håvard Lunde started out as a drummer and therefore is very mindful of them sounding as a drummer would actually play them. I would have liked some more drum support on the transitions between different parts of the song, doing maybe some fill ins or in other way preparing the listener for the next part of the song being different. This was done well going from the intro to the first verse, but some of the transitions on melodic parts feel sudden to me, in a song that has overall a really great flow.
The second track, “A Rendevouz In Time“ is more power metal / symphonic metal, making me think of Stratovarius and Pyramaze.
There’s cool riffing and a great solo guitar here, but for me this track really comes together when the synth goes from an atmospheric backing to a lead melody in the middle of the song.
I like the production and the sound of the instruments on both songs, but I think I might have preferred a wetter vocal due to the abundance of synths.
Overall, the songs show that the next album will as diverse as the previous albums. This time there seems to be more clean vocals and less darkness in the atmosphere of the songs, which suggest that the story in the albums will go towards more happiness than what was the case on the previous records. I’m really excited to discover the story and will definitvely pre-order the album when that becomes possible.
You can order the single here:
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