Gospelheim - Into Smithereens

Band: Gospelheim Single: Into Smithereens Release date: 30 July 2021 Record label: self released Genre: Black Metal / Avant-Garde Metal / Dark Metal From: Manchester, UK It’s rare to find me reviewing black metal. Being located in Norway, and being in the scene myself, there is a great abundance of bands that place themselves in the genre. However I find most black metal quite uninspiring. In contrast, Gospelheim were able to capture my attention at once the vocals kicked in. While it lacks the keyboard melodies, this track makes me at once think of Arcturus and Borknagar. The band is a trio, consisting of R.M. - Vocals and Guitar A.K. - Vocals and Bass C.O. – Drums. I believe there are some ambient keyboards as well, however it’s not clear who performed those. The band got together as late as 2019, but it’s clear from the performance that all 3 are experienced and accomplished musicians. Intent...