About myself

It's time for a presentation of myself. My name is Igor and I live in Norway. I'm half Norwegian, half Russian, and speak both languages fluently. So English is my 3rd language (and therefore I'm going to make mistakes both speaking and writing it, please bear with me) I play guitars and sing in the metal band Dreamslain (check us out) We play an eclectic mix of heavy metal, extreme metal and progressive rock. In addition, our keyboard players brings in a lot of classical influences, particularly on her piano and church organ work, while I often compose lead melodies that have a certain folk influence. In addition to playing metal and writing this blog, I am on the moderator team of: The Metal Lab and Heaps of Metal I've also started a prog rock club in my hometown: Foreningen Progg i Nord and organise a few selected shows in the metal/prog genres My day job is in a public psychiatric clinic where I work as a clinical psychologist (this distinction...